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Independent Learning

All independent learning tasks can be accessed through google classroom.

School E-mail

You can also access your school email this link.

Sam Learning

All students have their own logins to help them track their progress. Students login with the following details at

Centre ID: BN8RC2

User ID: Date of birth followed by two initials – first name then last name. Example: 010896DJ is the User ID for David Jones born 1st Aug 1996

Password: Initially same as the User ID (Students are encouraged to change this to something which is difficult to guess)

Accelerated Reader

Kerboodle website for Science (, where students will be assigned tasks tailored to the course they are completing. In addition to the assigned independent learning tasks students can also use Kerboodle to access: electronic versions of the textbooks, assessment materials and knowledge quizzes.


Download the apps and use your login to access Pixl Maths, Geography, History and English Literature

MFL useful website Linguasccope please ask your teacher for the user id and password