King’s Academy Ringmer’s Leadership and Management and pupils’ Personal Development and Welfare rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted.
King’s Academy Ringmer is celebrating following a highly successful Ofsted inspection. The academy has been transformed since it began working with King’s Group Academies (KGA). Pupils at the academy make "rapid progress" as a result of "Outstanding leadership and management", according to the inspection report following Ofsted’s visit which took place on 14th and 15th May 2019.
The academy is delighted to have an Overall Effectiveness judgement of Good and also to have achieved a rating of Outstanding for Leadership and Management, as well as personal development and welfare following its first full Ofsted inspection. The Principal, Matt Hillier, along with all the staff, local governors, Trust officers and Trustees are delighted with the result. Matt said, “Our Ofsted report clearly shows that progress pupils are making and the high quality of teaching and learning which we offer. We are determined to continue in our “pursuit of excellence”, so that all areas will soon be Outstanding.”
The report also highlighted the pupils' confidence in their learning and the calm and orderly environment for learning. It also noted the academy's work to promote pupils' personal development and welfare, which was rated as outstanding. All aspects of the academy's provision were graded as at least good with two areas as outstanding – the highest grade given by Ofsted.
Denise Kong, Chair of the Local Governing Body of the school, said: "My fellow governors and I are delighted with the outstanding achievements recorded in the report. We offer our congratulations to the pupils and, of course, the staff who have inspired and advised them, for the significant improvements and the excellent progress made across the whole school. The local community can be proud of the contribution the academy has made to the education and training needs of the area and the standards it sets and delivers for the pupils. The pupils achieve good outcomes, behave well and are well supported by dedicated staff.”
Chief Executive Officer, Nick Cross, said “We are thrilled that Ofsted have recognised the impact of leaders’, local governors’ and trustees’ actions which have led to rapid improvements in many aspects of the school. We are determined to continue our drive so that the progress of pupils is sustained and continues to improve rapidly.”
Chair of Trustees, Sir Roger Fry said "The Trustees of King's Group Academies (KGA) are delighted with the report which highlights the significant progress that staff and local governors have made since joining KGA. We are fully focused on building on this positive report as the academy continues on its journey to 'Outstanding'."
Highlights from the report include the following:
- The effectiveness of Leadership and Management is Outstanding.
- The academy's work to promote pupils' personal development and welfare is outstanding.
- Leaders’, governors’ and trustees’ actions have led to rapid improvements in many aspects of the academy.
- Pupils’ progress has improved substantially and they are confident learners.
- The most able are making strong progress in all year groups.
- Most able pupils are effectively challenged in a range of subjects.
- Pupils behave well and the school is a calm and orderly environment for learning.
- Leaders, governors and trustees have created a very strong and clear vision for the school. Teachers have high expectations for what pupils can achieve. As a result, pupils’ outcomes have improved rapidly since the school became an academy.
- Pupils are taught by knowledgeable and specialist staff.
- Pupils value the opportunity to take part in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, including music, drama and sports.
- The number of pupils taking modern foreign languages has increased significantly, which is supporting the school’s vision to develop an international dimension to the school.
Ofsted Report
Performance tables
Key DFE performance measures
Measure | 2023 |
Attainment 8 | 47.3 |
Progress 8 | 0.36 Above Average |
% Grade 5 or higher in Eng & Ma | 41% |
% Entering the Ebacc | 72% |
For additional outcome data follow the link below to view the most recent exam performance data:'s-academy-ringmer