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Click here to access the SIMs online options site.

The Key Stage 4 curriculum is designed to provide students with both challenge and breadth, as well as opportunities for all students to succeed, regardless of their starting points. 

In addition to the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, as well as their current language option made on entry in Year 7 (French or Spanish), students may opt for:

  • At least one of either Geography or History 
  • Two additional courses from the following list:
    • GCSE Art and Design
    • GCSE Computer Science or BTEC DIT
    • GCSE Design and Technology
    • GCSE Food Technology
    • GCSE Geography or History (where they wish to take both subjects)
    • GCSE Music
    • GCSE PE or Cambridge National Sports Science
    • Performing Arts Tech Award
    • GCSE Photography

The options guidance video can now be found by clicking the link in the right-hand margin of this page entitled "2024 Options Guidance Videos".

Key dates for the 2024 options are as follows:

26th-29th February 2024 Year 9 Options Week

Links to subject videos will be made available. 

22nd February 2024 Year 9 Student Progress Evening/Options Evening

The focus for the evening will be making the right choices. Parents/guardians should make appointments with staff who currently teach their child's potential option subjects.

4th March 2024 Deadline for submitting options 

Students should have completed their online choices. Tutors will support in entering options should their be any issues with accessing the online system.

As part of the careers information, advice and guidance process for year 9, students will be guided to ensure they consider the right choice based on their aspirations for the future. 

Mr Burchett is responsible for the options process, so any queries should be directed to him. 

For advice and support on picking your options, see this useful BBC bitesize resource:,1J7KB,5UTCIN,5ORZV,1