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KAR Weekly Newsletter 09/07/2021

The Latest message from Principal, Mrs Williams.


This really is a student focussed special. We are proud to share with you our new promotional film which was written and directed by our senior students. We think that this film embodies our ethos and is a credit to the school and the students within it. We hope that it encourages many other children in the community to join our incredible school.

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Sports Day

Our first whole school event because of course, we were outside. There is no other way of saying it -it was a fabulous day. Every single student was involved and participated in at least one event, most did everything! The event lasted all day and culminated in track side races for both staff and students. Our Chair of Governors came for the afternoon and said 'The whole afternoon was great for wellbeing. Particularly good things to see were no litter left afterwards, the level of enthusiastic participation of all students, and the way they were supporting their team mates. It was the most relaxing afternoon I'd had in a while.’

I have to add that the field was immaculate when the students left the site; I have never seen that in any other school. The quotation of the day for me was from a passing student who said ‘Break time was the most boring part of the day!’  The results of Sports Day will be announced at the end of term when we have our celebration assembly. I think I will get the award for the first visit to the medical room when I sustained a ‘speed bounce’ bench injury at 9 am! Mrs Miller was not impressed!

A special thank you to Mr Coulthard and the PE dept for organising such a great day. Here is a short film of some of the highlights.

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PE Department

Gentle reminder that students are expected to wear the school logoed PE kit for lessons.  If they have grown out of any please can you ensure that they are ordered in time for starting back in September.


Lesson Legend

Next week is Lesson Legend week- I am sure there will be lots of congratulatory emails home.


Safeguarding focus:

Water Safety

It is perfectly natural to want to cool off when it’s hot. Unsuitable rivers and quarries hide dangers below, not taking into accounts the hazards of freezing cold water and currents. Teenagers especially are drawn in by peers and a keenness for risky behaviours.

With limited swimming over the last year, it will be important to remind you how to stay safe in or alongside water.

Some of these resources might be helpful to share with your son/daughter

Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)

Canal and River Trust - Summer water safety

Water Safety at the beach

RNLI – Float to Live

Colin the Coastguard

National Water Safety Signs – do you know what these mean?

Reservoir safety (United Utilities)

Open Water Education Network


Kind regards


Sian Williams
