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KAR Weekly Newsletter 20/05/21

Latest message from Principal, Mrs Williams 20/05/21

Newsletter 20/05/21

A bumper addition to our newsletter this week with one more week before a much welcome half term.  We will be saying goodbye to our year 11s next week and wishing them so much love and luck as they embark on the next phase of their education.


I would like to acknowledge and thank the Year 11 teachers and department heads as well as all the support staff. This year they have been teacher, examiner and moderator and although we have finally been entrusted with knowing the skills and knowledge of our students, centre assessed grades means we will be spending the next few weeks marking, checking and double checking the evidence. I am exceptionally proud and grateful to every single member of staff who has contributed to this second year of challenging GCSEs.



For the attention of Year 11 students and parents/carers

As you start to look ahead to your next phase of education or employment I just wanted to wish you the very best of luck and to make sure that you have all the information you need for a successful and happy transition.

Attached to this newsletter is a document which gives details of all the Colleges and post-16 providers and the transition information you will need if you have applied there. You should have already received this information but it is worth double-checking. You can also see it here.

If you have not yet applied anywhere or are changing your mind don't forget you can still use to search and to apply - contact me if you forget your login details.

There is advice about apprenticeships as well as Colleges on this site, but you can also keep checking as well for opportunities that might come up.

The Get Career Confident website is also full of lots of good tips and you can book an online careers guidance interview here -

I hope that when September comes you will be doing something you really enjoy that will take you on to amazing things.  It's been a pleasure working with you all. Good luck!

Ms Moorhouse, Head of Humanities Faculty


PE Department

PE Kit- Just a quick update after May half term with the stock being back in on Sussex Uniforms it is expected that students will be back in full and proper PE kit for all lessons on resumption of the new term.


Inter-House Challenge: during PE lessons this week and next all of KS3 students are participating in an individual house challenge in which students are trying to set furthest distances and fastest times in a number of athletics events.  These results will be counting towards house points.


Fitness Inter-house challenge is an activity-based challenge in which students have to log numbers of minutes exercised, you can do any sort of exercise at all as long as you are able to prove it. This all went live on your individual house classrooms Monday Evening and will run till Sunday 6th June.  


Good Luck, Mr Coulthard and your new Senior Sports Students Tom and Luke


Music Department

  1. Musical Futures Online

I am really excited to announce that the school now has student access to Musical Futures Online. This is an approach to learning music that imitates the way popular musicians learn. We use these resources in class throughout Years 7 - 11 and now students will have access to all the resources online. I will be publishing the username and password for students in the Google Classroom. 


Please do watch the short video – see link below to find out more about the type of approaches to learning music we use here at KAR and to encourage your child to use these resources independently at home if they want to. 


  1. KAR Spotify Playlists

As part of the Year 9 project on 'What Makes a Good Song?' I've put together a public playlist of the Year 9 student's "most recently listened to" songs on Spotify and thought it might be fun to do a playlist recommended by staff that I can share with students too! Now I'm wondering if any parents would like to contribute to a "parents' playlist" If you'd like to suggest a song or piece of music (or several) I'll be able to find on Spotify please let me know and I'll put it together and share it. You can contact me on


Thank you, Ms Urquhart
Teacher of Music


Hello from KAR Eco Hub

We are saying goodbye to our fantastic year 11 Eco reps this week at our last Eco meeting together. They have done a superb amount of work over the years and have raised lots of awareness for all sorts of environmental issues. We hope they will visit as Eco Alumni in the future.  In the meantime, students from every year group can become an eco rep, just talk to Ms Pillar or Ms Holmes, alternatively drop us a line at

Any parents with green fingers? We would love to hear from you!

This week Blue Peter have launched their green eco badge- if you would like to apply then you need to fulfil some of their green pledges, all the info is on this link.

Ms Pillar and Ms Holmes will be trying to get ours.


Safeguarding focus; 

Young Carers - Online Group Thursday 20th May and Half-term Activities



CLASS+ Relatives Virtual Coffee & Chat Session - 26 May 2021, 12.30pm to 2pm

Are you a Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle or relative of a child with Autism?  Class+ invites you to join them for an informal information sharing virtual coffee and chat session where you can meet others, share experience, and ask advice and build your own understanding about children on the Autism Spectrum.  If you are interested, please click on the following link - 


Sussex Uniforms – Early Bird Discount Offer

Sussex Uniforms are pleased to announce that they are again offering their Early Bird Discount Offer to help you get uniform in good time for September.
Please see the following link to their digital leaflet with the offer -



Their shops and changing rooms are now open and their latest opening times can be found on their website, along with the Covid measures they have implemented to keep everyone safe.

Notification of Major Roadworks – reprofiling of the junction at Earwig Corner

From 1 June 2021 for approximately 18 weeks.  

As part of the works from the new housing development in Ringmer, it has been decided to reprofile the junction of the A26 & B2192, better known as Earwig Corner.   The junction, when finished, will be under permanent three-way traffic signals and will create a dedicated right turn filter lane to Ringmer on the northbound exit from Lewes.  This will be made possible by pushing back the retaining wall in front of the houses on Malling Down. 

You will no longer be able to turn right onto the A26 Uckfield Road from the B2192 Ringmer Road.  You will no longer be able to turn left into the B2192 Ringmer road from the A26 Uckfield Road. 


The aim is to complete these works under three-way temporary lights which will be in use 24 hours a day.  Near the end of the works, there will need to be road closures at night to undertake the road resurfacing and other finishing works. 


Job Advert – Catering Assistant at King’s Academy Ringmer – Chartwells


Kind regards


Sian Williams
