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KAR Weekly Newsletter 11/03/2021

Here is the Principal's Weekly Newsletter video. Please see below if you simply wish to read the information or access the links.




Lateral Flow Testing in school

This week we have successfully conducted Lateral Flow Tests for 90.1% of all students in school.  Thank you to all our parents/carers for your support with this. 

A huge thank you also to the parents that have kindly volunteered to be on our testing team.  Their assistance is proving invaluable. 


English Department

Year 7 will be receiving their new ‘Top 10 Vocab’ lists for ‘Frankenstein’ this week and will be completing some related tasks as part of their Independent Learning. Please ask them about the new words and quiz them on the meanings. 


The STILL Method Programme 

We are very excited to announce that both Mrs Peters and Mr Coomber are now trained to coach the STILL Method Programme (Stop, Talk, Imagine, Listen, Learn) 

The STILL Method was created by a therapist and social worker with almost 20 years’ experience, working with children helping them increase their confidence and overcome anxiety.  The approach was developed as a response to the unprecedented rise in the number of children, whose lives and education are being impacted by anxiety.   In 2020 over 500 teachers and parents, received training in how to use this method with the children they support. 

The programme is delivered over 6 weeks and comprises activities, tools and interventions. It is a fusion of positive psychology, resilience and mindfulness plus much more. It uses carefully created and curated techniques and tools to deal with immediate crisis and techniques to develop long term resilience. The sessions are fun, active and allow the children and young people to be expressive. 

We are looking at starting to deliver these workshops after Easter to both parents and young people.  Further information to follow 


Student Wellbeing Ambassador Programme

35 students, across all year groups, have now started their training to become experts in mental health and wellbeing. Their training will last 6 weeks and once completed they will have the tools to influence their peers and transform the wellbeing environment of our school.  We wish them all the very best in their training 


Comic Relief – Friday 19 March 2021

Non-uniform day – DRESS IN RED.  Please donate on ParentPay from £1 to £20.  See attached flyer.  NB: unfortunately, due to wearing face coverings, NO red noses can be worn.