Year 11 Results Day Thursday 20th August
Details are given below regarding our plans to distribute results and support students on GCSE Results Day, Thursday 20th August.
Collecting the Results
We have received government guidance to continue with the “locked-down” site and social distancing measures which have been in place for Key Workers, Vulnerable students and subsequently, Year 10s since March. Key points we have had to consider from the guidance are given below:
“Schools, FE colleges and other skills providers planning to open their doors to pupils and students on results day should continue to follow the hierarchy of controls they have used over the summer term, and that summer holiday providers are following during August.”
“Students, pupils and parents should follow Coronavirus (COVID-19): safer travel guidance for passengers when planning their travel to school, and be encouraged to walk or cycle where possible.”
“Schools should consider the potential for broader social mixing outside school when deciding their approach and communicate with pupils about not socialising with each other in groups outside school.”
“Schools should continue to make clear to parents that they cannot gather at entrance gates or doors, or enter the site (unless they have a pre-arranged appointment).”
However, each year we aim to celebrate the results with our students as well as support students where they may be disappointed with the grades they achieve. The Senior Leadership Team have discussed access to the site and feel that, given the size of the cohort involved, it is possible for students to collect exam results in person and we will be offering this opportunity. The school site will therefore be open between 9am and 11am for students to collect their exam results. However, in line with the guidance, some “normal” practices for Results day have changed and some additional procedures have been added:
- Only students collecting results should come onto the school site. As per the guidance, we would ask parents/carers not to enter the school site or gather at the entrance gates.
- Social-distancing markers, one-way and queuing systems will be in place. We have a set limit of how many people can safely enter the school hall and will count people in and out. We will ask students to queue outside the hall should the limit be reached.
- Students will not be able to nominate another person to collect their results. This is to limit the number of people coming onto the school site. If a student is unable to attend in person they will receive their results via email (see below).
- Staff attendance will be limited to the Senior Leadership Team and those involved in administering the results. Again this is to reduce the number of people on the school site.
All students will receive a copy of their results via email from 9am on results day. We recognise that some people may be anxious about coming onto the school site, or may wish to avoid using public transport. We will, therefore, email students’ school email addresses with their results.
Students should contact our IT Manager if they are currently unable to access their school gmail account.
Paper copies of exam results will be placed in envelopes for all students on results day and we will post home any envelops not collected between 9am and 11am, as is usually the case.
Support on the day
The Senior Leadership Team will be available to support students with queries regarding their GCSE results. We will also signpost career guidance in the light of student results, as is usually the case. The National Careers Service has also set up an exam results helpline during August 2020. Young people or their parents can contact the helpline on 0800 100 900 to speak to a professionally qualified careers adviser if they need advice on their next steps. The helpline will be open from 8am to 10pm from Thursday 13 August until Friday 28 August. After these dates, young people will be able to access ongoing support from the National Careers Service at any time by calling 0800 100 900, visiting the website or searching for the National Careers Service on Facebook and Twitter.
We will also provide details regarding the right to appeal the grade. This is a very limited option and it is linked to administrative errors. I would ask that you view the following resources put together by OFQUAL to be clear on how the grades will be awarded:
- Video guide for students
- Infographic of the awarding process
There is also, as was publicised at the start of the lockdown process, the opportunity to sit exams in the Autumn. We should have more details relating to how this will work on results day.
We look forward to seeing you all either on the results day or at some point thereafter. We will continue to monitor the situation regarding national and local infection rates, as well as any changes in government guidance over the coming weeks and update this plan accordingly.