Dear parents and carers,
I hope you have had a good week. Today we are supporting the Children in Need charity with a non uniform day to raise money for a good cause. I set out at the start of term that I expect high standards of uniform, and the students have responded accordingly. The student council raised the idea of supporting in this way and given the positive conduct shown by so many students in this school day in day out, I was happy to oblige! We look forward to the House Bake sale, penalty shoot out, chess tournament and sponge a teacher!
We continue to invest in opportunities to develop student experiences outside of school. It has been fantastic to see the positive impact of the trips to Glyndebourne and Eastbourne Studio pottery this week. Students had a great time, and longer term this widening of cultural experiences remains a focal point of where I would like to develop the school.
Parent Governor
We are currently looking for an additional parent Governor to support the school as we move forward together as a community. If you are interested in taking on this exciting role, my PA, Amanda French will shortly share the application process and further information regarding the role
I hope you have a restful weekend.
Best wishes,
Chris Harvey, Principal
Eastbourne Studio Pottery Visit
To celebrate creative industries week, we took a group of our year 10 GCSE art students to visit Eastbourne Studio Pottery, an artist led space offering workshops and open access to makers. This visit was an open doors event where schools can take their students to meet local employers, explore their workplaces, and learn about the job roles, employability skills and career pathways within their sector. The students and staff were treated to an inspiring afternoon exploring throwing on the wheel, hand building techniques and learning how to recycle the clay. We had a tour of the studios and a talk on what is involved in setting up a workshop and careers in the creative industries.
Mrs Colbourne
A couple of quotes from students who went on the above visit:
''We had a great time in the studio, they allowed us to have a go at creating animals and bowls on the potters wheel? It was such a good range of clay and techniques''.
''I now can see that there are more careers for art and creative subjects which can be successful businesses''.
Reminder - Merry Christmas Festive Feast 2023 - 6th December 2023
The traditional Christmas lunch will return this year and will be available on Wednesday 6th December 2023. The price of this 2 course roast turkey meal, or vegetarian alternative, will be £3.00. The dining room is accepting bookings which will close on Friday 24th November 2023.
Tickets have been on sale in the dining room since Monday 6th November 2023. All students must book directly with the dining room staff; payment will be deducted from students’ accounts at the time of booking, so please ensure accounts are topped up.
Students will be provided with a ticket at the time of purchase. Students on Free School Meals must also book directly with the dining room staff and payment will be taken on 6th December 2023 so as not to affect their daily allowance. There will also be hot roast meat baguettes, pizza and sandwiches available on this day. Thank you, Debbie Duckworth, Business Manager
Careers News
I Can careers event -for students with special educational needs and/ or additional needs
Upcoming College Open Events
Brighton MET college, Central Campus and East Campus Saturday 18th November 10.00am -1pm
Plumpton College , Saturday 25th November 9.00am -12.00
HAF eligible families - FREE holiday club in December.
TTWYP Soccer school for ages 5 to 12 years. Ringmer AFC, Lewes Road, Ringmer. 18 to 21 December 2023
A great opportunity for young people to socialise, learn new skills and enjoy some nutritious food whilst school’s out. Places are available and FREE of CHARGE for young people aged 5 to 12 years receiving free school meals. A smaller number of places will also be available to children and young people in the groups below:
· Referred to Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
· Young Carers
· Have a disabled sibling
· Referred to the School Mental Health Teams
· Gypsy, Roma & Traveller
· Children in Need (CiN), children on a Child Protection Plan (CP) and Looked After Children (LAC)
· Refugees
Best regards
The HAF team
Children’s Services
ESCC - Consultation on admission arrangements 2025-26
East Sussex County Council is consulting on the admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools.
The consultation will be live from 13 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. ESCC have asked us to share with parents by adding this link to our school newsletter.