Dear parents/carers,
I hope you have had a great week. As we move towards Remembrance Sunday, it has been pleasing to see so many students wearing their poppies and taking time to reflect on the importance of this event.
Our Year 11’s have now come to their final mock exam, so well done to all involved. I have been reminding students that there are no shortcuts to high achievement, and that hard work is central to success. One of the best parts of my role is getting into classrooms and seeing this in action. This week, across Years 7-11 I have visited around 40 lessons and have been delighted to see the effort and attention across these. Like all schools, we have work to do and will continue to push the bar upwards, but the students thus far have been a credit and I have no doubt that they will achieve their own personal excellence. We are in the process of reviewing the stakeholder feedback from the student, parent and staff surveys. There is a large amount of information to reflect on, and once done I plan to move forward on some actionable steps as I move through ‘the first 100 days’.
I am pleased to advise that the next parent forum will be on Thursday 23rd between 5pm and 6pm. These will now form a regular opportunity for parents to attend the school and discuss key items. The agenda will be two fold, part school items that we would like to raise with parents, and part parent raised. The parent agenda items will be collated by some parents who have kindly offered to support. Once we have held the meeting, we will formalise the process for raising items. One of the key areas raised in the first meeting was improving our communications strategy, so I have made this an immediate focus and will notify parents as soon as possible with the next steps.
Enjoy the rest of the week
Best wishes,
Mr Harvey, Principal
English Department
Year 11 English Revision: After school every Monday
Ms da Nobrega - Macbeth revision preparing for the upcoming exam
Mr Perry - Invite only revision
Mr Rednall - Independent revision.
Coming soon - Excellence Programme - invite only
Ringmer Reading site Update – please see link below
Music Department
1. Ringmer Sings Youth Workshop
This is a community event which we would encourage our students to join in with. If you wish to take part then you can complete the form attached at the bottom of the page and bring it into school or collect a form from Ms Urquhart.
The very first gathering of young people between the ages of 8 and 16 who all enjoy singing will be on Saturday November 18th from 2- 4.00 in Ringmer’s church, St Mary’s. The songs will be favourites as well as new ones, Christmas ones as well as songs from shows. We hope you will be encouraged to come and share your ideas with us to shape future plans. There will be time to chat with drinks and cake to keep us all going too! This group is not directly linked with St Mary’s choir, but is being organised by musicians from the church. There is no expectation that you can read music or play an instrument. There is a parental permission form available on, inside the church entrance and at the Primary School and Kings Academy Ringmer, which should be returned to the church front desk (open 9 - 4.00) if at all possible, in advance. Contact 07552487694 Rosemary Colebourn and Samantha Martin
2. Local Concerts
This month the internationally renowned cellist Raphael Wallfisch will be performing at two local venues in Seaford 12th November and Lewes 19th November. The concerts are 1 hour long and will be performed by Raphael and the Corelli Ensemble. Ms Urquhart will be playing the double bass in the orchestra! The concert is 1 hour long and very family friendly. Tickets for children and young people are £5.
Details and tickets available at this link:
3. Winter Showcase - Save the Date
Our annual Winter concert will take place on Wednesday 6th December 6-8pm in the school Hall. Please save the date. Tickets will be available soon!
Art Department – Christmas Card Competition
Right! Now that Lewes Bonfire has completed another fabulous and successful year it's time to shake off the rain and put on those creative elf ears and listen to this important in-house competition announcement.
Your challenge is to design a festive Christmas card! The winner will be picked by Mr Harvey and then announced in the last week of term.
If your artwork is chosen you will receive a prize bundle as well as a set of your own cards showing off your work. The winning entry will be sent to colleagues across the King's academy MAT via Email (we are a Eco school after all).
There is runner up prizes for the most Ringmer inspired and most humorous piece as well as House points for every valid entry.
This is open to all year groups, please see below for more details including the rules and deadline date ie: 4 December 2023.
ECO Help
We are having an eco gardening day on Saturday 18th November, 10am-1pm at school, and we need volunteers to help please.
We have been very fortunate that the Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust have donated more of the rainwater planters to us, and the ones we are having this time also double as benches for the students.
In order to fit these, we need lots of volunteers to come and help build them. This will involve screwing the wood together to form the planters/benches, and installing them around the main courtyard between the main school building and the Steve Green building.
In addition to putting together and installing the planters, they'll also need painting, and the Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust have given us some water butts, which we need to connect in the Eco Hub garden; plus we have other gardening tasks if we get enough volunteers.
The day is open to both students and parents/carers and I would really love for as many people as possible to volunteer, to help fit these fantastic planters and benches. I'd love for the students to get as much benefit out of them as possible and the planters also mean we can increase the number of plants to improve the biodiversity on the school site. Something the students chose to focus on in the Eco-Schools Award.
If you are able to help, please email me at
Thank you so much, I really appreciate everyone's help. Best wishes. Mrs Teague, Environmental Project Manager
Ringmer Primary School Fireworks
Parents & carers should have received an email this week giving details of these nasal-spray vaccinations and how to give or refuse consent online.
Please contact if you have not received this.
Green Careers Week
Please follow this link to access the Parents’ Guide to Green Careers Week 2023 -