This week's KAR newsletter - 19/05/2023
National Vegetarian Week - COOK School
We were chosen as a lucky winner to receive 60 free vegetarian lasagne recipe kits for national vegetarian week courtesy of COOK school. Year 7 enjoyed learning how to cook using a variety of vegetables. A huge thank you to parent Simone Thorn for nominating us and allowing year 7 the opportunity to expands their culinary skills!
Maths Department
It has been a busy couple of weeks in maths with Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 all completing assessments. Well done to all students who took this assessment phase seriously. Yes, we do set in maths and use these data points to help us move students but we also look at a student’s attitude to learning and their willingness to engage in lesson, using teacher feedback.
In addition, we have had the results for the Junior UKMT, open to all students in years 7 and 8. This year I am happy to say we forced 92 students to take part, some students enjoyed the challenge of an international maths competition that stretches the understanding of all facets of maths. Some of the questions were really challenging: This is where I set you a little challenge. Can you answer a question set for a year 7 or 8 student! (I did not pick the hardest) The answer is at the back of the newsletter.
Back to the UKMT results, I am please that 32 students achieved either a Bronze, Silver or Gold certificate, with two students selected to undertake the more challenging pink kangaroo in June.
Well done to everybody who took part, from the whole of the maths team.
Learning Resources Centre
There will be a book sale of old stock in the LRC next week- Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during break and lunch. This is to raise some money to go towards new books in the Library. Students will need to bring some cash with them, the books will be £1 and under.
ESCC Information for Families Facebook Page
‘Information for Families’ (see link) is the Facebook page run by the Customer Relations Team of Children’s Services. The page shares information on free or discounted events in the East Sussex area and sessions run by the local Children’s Centres. It is updated and monitored daily.
This is a useful page for families to provide you with up-to-date information on events and sessions that you can access at free or at discounted prices.
Heathfield Youth Centre – LGBT Club
Heathfield Youth Centre is now offering an LGBT Club, every Friday 4 till 6 for young people aged 13-19, however younger can be accepted if felt appropriate. This club is a closed group and works via referral only.
If your child is interested in attending, please contact Sue Lockyer at and she will pass details over details on your behalf
Please see poster below
Ringmer Youth Cafe
Open 7-9pm most Fridays at Ringmer Village Hall. Admission is £2 which includes a drink and snack. Tuck shop items are also available. We have a pool table, table tennis, cards, games, wifi.
New members (current years 8+) are always welcome and we'll be inviting the current Yr 7s soon. We require a completed membership form, which can be requested at or come along on the night.
Volunteer helpers are also needed to join the rota, meaning a commitment of just over 2 hours every 4-5 weeks. Please contact the team on the email above and we can arrange a visit and chat. Roles are subject to a DBS check in line with our safeguarding policies.
Answer to UKMT question