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KAR Weekly Newsletter 10/12/21

This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams.

Christmas Craft Fayre

A big thank you to Rosie Ellis (Year 11), Mr Peacock, St Mary's Church and all the stallholders who organised and took part in the Christmas Craft Fayre this Wednesday.  We were so disappointed that we were unable to go ahead with the Performing Arts recital as part of the event, however Covid intervened. Nevertheless, the stalls were amazing, the attendance was good and I bought some lovely stocking fillers!


Covid Update

In light of the Prime Minister’s recent announcement, I would just like to reassure parents, students and staff of the measures we are taking in school:

  • Face coverings are now mandatory in all communal areas

  • We continue to advise twice weekly testing for all students and daily testing for any year groups where there are more than 5 cases, currently this applies to Years 7 and 8

  • Hand sanitisers should be used every time a room is entered or exited

  • Rooms are monitored for CO2 levels and ventilated accordingly

  • We continue to deep clean on a regular basis 

I would like to thank the entire school community, parents and carers included, for being so diligent in both responding to symptoms quickly and simultaneously encouraging good attendance where possible. It is a tricky balance especially at this time of the year.  


Last day of term - Friday 17 December 2021

Christmas Jumper Day.  Please donate on Parentpay.  Students must still wear normal school uniform, excluding blazer and tie if wearing a Christmas jumper. 


Period 1 and 2 - normal lessons

Period 3 - virtual celebration assembly in tutor rooms

Years 7 and 8 leave at 12.15pm / Years 9, 10 and 11 leave at 12.20pm


ParentPay reminder

Please could parents/carers REGULARLY check your child's ParentPay account, especially as we have had issues with our systems this week and many accounts are seriously overdrawn.

Don't forget, you can set limits and get alerts sent when the account is low, just log on and change your settings.


Eco Hub news

We are pleased to announce that we raised £177 for our #justonetree day which will really make a small but significant difference in reforesting the world. We have also been busy reforesting the grounds here at Kings with our tree and hedge planting. The students have really gotten stuck in and we hope to have all the trees in by Christmas. A big thank you to all that have helped. 

With Christmas coming, it is a time to see how we can make a difference in the world,  reducing our waste and seeing how to make our lives more sustainable. 

Check out the link from WWF for some handy tips on enjoying a sustainable Christmas.

We meet every Friday in the Eco Hub and have regular Monday meetings. Come along, all are welcome.


COVID Vaccination Catch-Up Clinics

If your child is over the age of 12 and has not yet had their COVID-19 vaccine and you wish them to do so, additional evening and weekend clinics are being run between 4th December 2021 and 19th December 2021 at sites across the county. 

You will have received an email about these already with a letter giving full instructions for how to book, but to remind you:

Parents/carers who have already completed a consent form for the COVID-19 vaccine should not complete another one; and instead use their booking reference, found in your consent form submitted email, to book into a clinic at:  

Parents/carers who have not completed a consent form for the COVID-19 vaccine will need to complete one in order to book an appointment  The school code is SX144505


New and exciting opportunity for young people – NHS Cadets

What are NHS Cadets? - NHS Cadets is a new scheme created by St John Ambulance in partnership with the NHS, providing opportunities to explore skills, knowledge and volunteering roles within healthcare. It is aimed at young people aged 14 to 18 who are from communities currently under-represented within the NHS and St John Ambulance.   

 The programme offers young people health awareness sessions, courses to develop their leadership and communication skills and an insight or experience in volunteering within the NHS.   It is a free programme, consisting of weekly, 2-hour sessions for 11 months. Cadets will be supported throughout their volunteering journey by our NHS Cadets Team. 

 Who can get involved? 

The initiative is seeking young people who might not have previously considered volunteering in healthcare. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Young people living with learning difficulties and / or disabilities (we will need to discuss if we have the support network to help you participate)   

  • Young people in the care system, or recent care leavers   

  • Refugees or Asylum Seekers   

  • Young Carers   

  • Homeless young people   

  • Those not in education, employment or training, or those with school results lower than you hoped/need 

  • Those living with mental health concerns (same principle as anyone with a learning difficulty or disability)   

  • Those who identify as being part of the LGBTQI+ community (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex+)   

  • Those coming from low-income families /young people in receipt of free  school meals   

  • Young people from ethnic minority communities  

 To find out more information and to apply, please visit: NHS Cadets Homepage | St John Ambulance (

Please attached a leaflet below with information on the programme and how to apply



Children and Young People’s Christmas Choir @ St Mary’s Church

Do you like to sing?  Come and be a part of our special Christmas Choir and sing at our Carol Service on Sunday 12 December at 6.30pm? 

We are inviting all young people to two rehearsals after school on Fridays 3rd and 10th December and then again for a whole choir rehearsal on Sunday 12th, meet at 5.45pm.

The Friday rehearsals will run from 3.30-4.15 with hot chocolate and biscuits for all! 

Please register in advance with Rosemary

or contact Marisa 07796 145464.


Ringmer Parish Council – Residents’ Skatepark Consultation

Ringmer Parish Council are holding a residents’ consultation on Tuesday 14th December 2021 at their offices between 18.00-19.00 before their next scheduled PC meeting. Parents, users and residents are welcome to attend to see the CGIs and discuss anything you may wish to change before plans are submitted? We ask for people to let the Parish office know via email ( of their wish to attend and please ensure you wear a face covering.




Required asap

KGA Pay Scale, Band 6, Points 9 to 13 

ie: £21841pa to £25481pa (to be pro-rated)

37 hours per week, TTO


We are seeking a full time SIMs and School Data Manager to start asap.  Responsibilities will include taking the lead role in the development, maintenance and management of our schools SIMS system, supervise data input to ensure accuracy, being responsible for running DfE statutory returns, maintain academic year procedures, administering student trackers, managing mock and GCSE exams including all required administration and being responsible for school data/reporting and assessment.  

King's Academy Ringmer is a successful rural comprehensive with an ethos of "In Pursuit of Excellence".  We have a strong reputation for student progress and attainment as well as our inclusion and pastoral care. The Academy works in conjunction with King's Group and the King's College schools abroad.  We anticipate exciting developments ahead working together with students, parents/carers and the wider community to build upon our strengths and make this an outstanding school.

What can we offer you?

• A chance to be at the forefront of educational development. 

• A beautiful, rural environment situated approximately 12 miles from the coastal city of Brighton and Hove.

• An Academy with a positive ethos, motivated students and focus upon learning. 

• Excellent induction, support and staff development opportunities

For full details and an application form can be download directly from our website: or contact Amanda French on either 01273 815460 or quoting job reference P/392.   We offer a first class working environment with supportive colleagues and opportunities for career development.

King’s Academy Ringmer is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts within our Multi Academy trust are exempt for the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and therefore all applicants will be required to declare spent and unspent convictions, cautions and bind-overs, including those regarded as spent and complete an Enhanced Criminal Records Disclosure via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 4 January 2022 at 9am with interview date on 5 January 2022


Safeguarding Focus 

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes

The horrendous and cruel treatment of six-year old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes at the hands of his father and his partner has disturbed many of us.

The Government has launched a national review and local inspection 'to determine what improvements are needed by the agencies that came into contact with him in the months before he died.'  You will have seen the media coverage over the last few days, some of it unwatchable. Yet the visceral feelings we have experienced give us only a tiny insight into the fear that this little boy must have felt.

Many will ask, what were the school doing, but schools can only act on what they know, what is shared and what they observe. They are often conduits to other agencies; some are cul-de sacs. In lockdown, schools lost their 'super-power' - the daily check-in.

Arthur became an 'invisible child'. In normal times, his daily attendance at school (or lack of) would have identified his deteriorating condition, physically and mentally.

King’s Academy Ringmer works hard to ensure that our safeguarding and student welfare continues to be outstanding and we wish to ensure that all our students are supported 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our ‘two click’ safeguarding web page has been shared with parents and students this term so I would like to remind you of it, as the holidays approach. There is out of hours information on there as well as what to do in an emergency. My most important message to you is that anyone can report a safeguarding concern.

The link to our webpage is here:


Kind regards


Sian Williams
