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Please see this week's newsletter from our principal, Mr Harvey.

Friday 6 October 2023

Dear parents and carers,

I hope you have had a great week.

This week saw the last of our open mornings, with a record total of visitors. Due to demand, we have now added additional dates. I am very proud of our students and how well they have presented themselves throughout the week. We have received many emails detailing the positive experience visitors have had. As one visitor summed up: 'You should be proud of the smart and well-mannered students you have in your school'. It was also pleasing to hear from another visitor that it was ‘the best school tour we’ve had from any secondary school’. These mornings are very much the whole school on show, so I’m delighted that our students have shown how great they are.

You will by now have received the parent questionnaire. This offers a chance to give feedback on our school and indicate your views on how we move forward. I would appreciate all of your views, so thank you for taking the time to complete this. I am also delighted to announce our first parents' coffee and cake morning on Monday 16th October (9.20am-11am). This will be a chance to speak with both myself and the leadership team to discuss how best to involve parents further in the school. I hope to see as many of you as possible there. If you are interested in attending, please email my PA, Amanda French at to confirm your attendance.

Finally, this week has seen the first house assemblies of the term. As part of this, we celebrated national poetry day, where students were able to experience a range of poems to ignite their ideas for a House competition. We look forward to promoting some competitive spirit from Hawking, Seacole, Turing and Franklin!

I hope you have an enjoyable week.

Kind Regards,

Mr Harvey


DT Department

Year 10 have completed their first GCSE D&T project. We have a very skilled cohort, and they have worked extremely hard over the past few weeks completing their toddler's stools. Well done year 10!




PE Department

  1. Congratulations to all our sports teams who have started to complete really well against other local schools.  

The Year 7s had their first games in both football and Netball with the Football team winning 4-2 against Eastbourne Academy

Most year groups have now had at least one fixture with a number of fixtures still to be played before half term to keep up the good work.

Consent form link away fixtures  (should be working for everyone)


  1. Clothing/Equipment- Can you please ensure that all pupils attend lessons with the correct equipment and that clothing is labelled, so it can be returned should it be left.


Scholastic Book Fair 

The book fair created a real buzz in the LRC last week. It was fantastic to see so many of our students excited by reading for pleasure. We made a grand total of £289.00. Thank you to everyone who purchased books and supported this event.


Post 16 Evening

Last week we hosted our post 16 event and welcomed a number of colleges and learning providers to come and talk face to face with our students, parents and carers. This was a well-attended event by both our year 11’s and year 10’s. The exhibitors were kept busy with interested students and were really helpful in answering all the questions. The event gave our students the opportunity to plan for their futures and helped them to explore all the exciting courses and options available to them after their GCSE’s. Thank you to all those who attended and everyone involved to make the evening a success.



Upcoming college open events

  • Varndean -Talk on The International Baccalaureate Diploma -10/10/23 6.30pm -7.45pm

  • DV8 -11/10/23

  • Brighton MET -11/10/23

  • East Sussex College Lewes Campus – 12/10/23

  • Seaford Head Sixth Form -12/10/23

  • Plumpton -14/10/23

Please contact the providers for more information.


Appeal from Ronnie the dog

I am asking if anyone has any spare / unwanted dog toys that you would be happy to send into school. When my friends come to the eco building it would be lovely if we had some toys so we can play together. These can either be left at reception or taken to the eco building and given to my human, Miss Beattie.

Many thanks, licks and cuddles - Ronnie :)


Uckfield College – Sixth Form Open Evening

Please see flyer.  Wednesday 8 November 2023 from 5.30pm to 8pm

Final call for weekend programmes - Investin


Their weekend programmes are designed to give students aged 12-18 a flavour of their future career before they leave school. Choose between 15 different careers and join us for an interactive masterclass run by industry leading professionals!

Their programmes are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and we expect to close registration by Monday 9th October.


View & Register: Ages 15-18


View & Register: Ages 12-14


Available in 15 Different Careers
Follow the links below to view our upcoming weekend programmes running this November & January. Available in-person at UCL, London or Live Online. 


Creative Arts
Fashion Designer

Law & Politics
International Politics

Business & Finance
Investment Banker


Veterinary Science
Forensic Science
Computer Science



  1. Open for parents – please follow link which signposts parents to different agencies who offer support on a wide range of parenting issues: 

Fireworks – reminder as we are nearing bonfire night on how to stay safe.  Please see link -