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Whilst much has changed within our school community as a result of coronavirus, we remain committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for all of our students.

To achieve this, we must work together. You have a vital role to play in your child’s success. Now more than ever, as we look to recover from the long-term effects of the pandemic, children need to be in school. The first step to academic success is establishing excellent attendance habits. Student attendance is critical to achievement and social development at all age levels.

King's Academy Ringmer is committed to working with all of our families to ensure that students are able to strive for outstanding attendance. If you are aware of a circumstance impacting your child’s ability or willingness to attend school, then please make contact with their Form Tutor to discuss this as soon as possible.



It is required that contact is made with school every day that your child is absent unless otherwise arranged with the school, giving the name of the child and the reason for their absence that day. We ask please that contact is made with the school before 08:00 ideally. There are three methods of communication through which to do this. 

  • Option 1: Through 'Absence Reporting' on the EduLink One app.
  • Option 2: Phone call to school on 01273 812220, press option 2.
  • Option 3: E-mail explaining student absence to


Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from the academy for a reason such as genuine illness or other unavoidable cause.


Unauthorised absences are those which the academy does not consider reasonable and for which no 'leave' has been given. This includes:

⮚ Parents/carers keeping students off from the academy unnecessarily

⮚ Truancy during the academy day

⮚ Absences which have never been fully explained

⮚ Students who arrive at the academy after registration has closed

⮚ Holidays that have not been authorised



Unfortunately, even if absent for a medical appointment, a student is still classed as absent from school. This is beyond the school’s control. Please make appointments outside school hours when possible. If this is not possible, we recommend students attend school before and/or after the appointment, even if only briefly, before being signed out. This ensures that the impact on a child’s learning is minimal, and their attendance will not be negatively impacted.


If your child is suffering with school-related anxiety that is impacting their ability or willingness to attend, then please speak to the school. There is support we can offer to help with this. Additionally, please visit our wellbeing support page for more advice.

However, the most effective support to help understand and overcome school anxiety starts at home. There are many resources available online to support you with this – we recommend the YoungMinds parent guide as a starting point for information and guidance for supporting your child.


Concern Advice

Does my child really need to be off?






Use the NHS “Is my child too ill for school?” page to help with decisions over whether your child should be in school or not. Most common ailments are not a reason to be off school, just like they would not be a reason to be off work.

Still not sure? Remember, if your child comes to school and their condition worsens, they can seek the help of first aid at reception and if needed we will contact you so you can come and collect them. Developing this “give it a go” method will help build your child’s resilience.

How important is good attendance?

Help your child understand why going to school everyday matters.

  1. Discuss what they’re missing out on when they don't go to school.
  2. Explain that showing up to school every day is an important skill that will help them become successful in life.
  3. Learning the habit of good attendance now will help them keep a job in the future, as in most jobs, regular non-attendance won't end well!
How important is school?

Ensure your child knows that school is important to you. A few things you can do to show interest in their school attendance:

  • Speak to them about their day and what they have learned.
  • Check Share My Homework to see what homework they have.
  • Check SchoolGateway to see how many APs / BPs they have.
  • Read all letters / communications from school to stay up to date with what is happening in school.
  • Make sure you attend parents’ evenings.
  • Review your child’s reports with them and reward them for good performance and effort.
Should I monitor attendance? Create attendance goals with your child and track their progress in a notebook or calendar. Also, you can try giving them small rewards for not missing school, such as a later bedtime on Saturday.
How do I set a healthy routine?

Morning showers are a great way to help students wake up. Ensure that your child is having a nutritious breakfast. Fruit, toast and healthy cereals are perfect and will give your child the energy to get through to lunch.


Make attendance a priority by giving your children regular bedtimes and good routines, such as no phones 30 minutes before bed, reading before bed etc. Remember 11-16 year olds need 8-10 hours sleep a night. Also remember to pack school bags the night before, so they're not rushing around in the morning before school.

Is it important my child arrives on time? Ensure your child gets to school on time every day. Arriving late can be embarrassing for students and disrupts their learning. They will also miss key announcements that are given out during morning form time.
What if I can't get them to school on time? Develop a backup plan for ensuring that your child gets to school if they miss a bus, a friend who usually gives them a lift can't make it that day, etc.
Who can I turn to for help if I'm struggling? Reach out to your child's school for assistance and support. Your child’s form Tutor, director of learning, pastoral team, and attendance officer are all available to help you. All you have to do is ask.

Recruit your child’s Form Tutor as a partner. Teachers may have insights into why your child may be missing school or why they don’t want to attend school. Form Tutors are always there to help!
I need to book a medical appointment for my child, do they have to come in to school? See above on this webpage. Make appointments for the dentist or doctor after school hours or in school holidays where possible, and make sure children return to school before and / or after an appointment if it has to be in school time.


I got in contact to tell you my child was ill, why has their attendance still gone down?

Even if an absence is categorised as authorised it is still a session of schooling missed and will negatively impact a students’ overall attendance percentage.

My child has contacted me and asked me to come and collect him/her. What do I do?

As you are probably aware, students are not allowed to contact home to ask parents to come and collect them from school. They should always, in the first instance report to Reception, who will decide whether a phone call home is the best course of action.

If, however, your child does contact you from school, we would ask that you remind them of this procedure and be rest assured that we will contact you if necessary.

However, we should remind you that if students do contact home directly and parents do come to school to collect, this absence would be classed as unauthorised and we would always try to see both the parent and student before they leave the school, so that we can discuss this with you.

What happens if my child's attendance falls below 90%?

Any student with attendance below 90% is subject to attendance procedures and is required to provide medical evidence for all absences.

What if I need to take my child on a holiday in term time?

Holidays should not be taken during term time. If holidays are taken without authorisation, then parents/carers may be issued with a penalty notice.