Safeguarding During School Closure
If you have any concerns about the safety of a child during school closures, including concerns about appropriate childcare please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team:
Sian Williams Principal & DSL 07745 770552
Sue Lockyer Deputy DSL 07827 940802
Vicki Massingham SENCO 07745 770560
Alternatively, you can contact Children’s Services directly by following the link below:
or phoning 01323 464222 (Monday to Thursday 8.30 am to 5 pm, Friday 8.30 am to 4.30 pm)
Out of hours, with serious concerns that can’t wait till the next working day, contact the Emergency Duty Service. 01273 335906 or 01273 335905 – (Monday to Thursday 5 pm to 8.30 am, after 4.30 pm on Fridays, weekends and bank holidays).
Or email 0–
In an emergency you should always contact the Police on 999 or on 101 for less urgent matters.
If your concern is regarding a member of staff, please contact:
Sian Williams Principal & Designated Safeguarding Lead) 07745 770552
The following websites may be a useful source of support:
Links for students:
Allsorts - all ages, countywide
Supports and empowers lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans young people. Offers groups and 1:1 support with friendly and knowledgeable LGBT youth workers.
Chat Health - ages 11-19, countywide
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 5 pm
A confidential text messaging service for people in education aged 11-19 years, offering advice and support about health-related issues including social, emotional, mental and sexual health. Young people can text 07507 332473 and the team will aim to respond within 24 hours.
E-motion online counselling - ages 12 to 18, countywide
Offers free online counselling to young people living in East Sussex on any issues related to mental health and wellbeing. Young people can self-refer to this service and speak to a trained counsellor at a time that suits them.
East Sussex Young Carers - ages 5-18, countywide
Supports young carers responsible for caring for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance issues. The team offer a range of short-term interventions including signposting, 1:1 support and in-school support and workshops all ages – nationwide
Website offers lots of advice, also provides phone and text chat phone 08001111
For a young person experiencing a mental health crisis, text YoungMinds Crisis Messenger for free, 24/7 support.
text YM to 85258.
Links for parents/carers:
All of the above can provide support for parents and carers too. In addition, click on these links.
A useful website with lots of articles and tips on raising children and teens.
A great source of support for single parents
Support for people who have, or are experiencing domestic violence, or abuse, or sexual abuse
For all round support if you are finding it hard to cope. They offer a phone line and an email service.
Drop in service for 14 – 25yr olds based in Hastings, Eastbourne & Newhaven
For advice re drugs check out the website or phone 0300 1236600. Email FRANK or Text 82111
Below is additional information provided by the East Sussex Health Service (ESSH) regarding Referrals to their service during the school closure:
ESSH continues to accept referrals to support students around healthy lifestyles including Sleep, Diet, Exercise, Hygiene/self-care, Smoking/substance misuse/alcohol use, Sex and relationships, C cards/Chlamydia test, Tier 1 emotional health.
There is lots of advice that can be provided by qualified nurses over the phone so we continue to encourage referrals. Referring to the East Sussex School Health Service is easy:
0300 123 4062 or