This week's message from Principal, Mrs Williams.
We have had a great first half of the term and I have been delighted with our students. Attendance this term has been amazing when you consider how some schools are struggling. I wanted to send out my personal thanks to you all for supporting our attendance which as you know, leads to great results.
Students - as the clocks go back and the days get shorter we'll find it a real struggle to stay positive and get out of bed, so please continue to sleep well, eat well and get lots of fresh air and exercise. Have a great half term!
Food Bank Collection
We have had a trickle of items come in and hopefully, now that we have had the KS3 assembly, we will be able to gather momentum and have a significant collection next term. Thank you if you have already donated!
Science Department - Tassomai Science
We have now launched Tassomai for all year groups. Tassomai is a powerful learning platform that supports pupils to learn more effectively.
Students can use their school email address and the case sensitive password QuizLearnGoal to login for the first time. It will then be prompted to change their password and add themselves to their science group. If students require technical assistance they should speak to their science teacher. https://app.tassomai.com/login
PE Department
Another busy week of clubs and fixtures this week. Year 10 Netball - both teams performing fantastically with one of the teams not losing a game and the other only losing one game against the other Ringmer Team.
The Year 10 football team didn't fare quite so well losing to a very strong Seaford team. The most positive aspect of the game was the fighting spirit and the fact they never let their heads drop.
As a school, KAR organises the local cross-country partnership event held at Eastbourne Sports Park every year. This year we took down two-year groups in the 7s and 8s. With typical cross-country weather making sure that all participants experienced true cross-country conditions, all 16 students who took part did so fantastically well. Highlights being the Year 7s boys team finishing first and the Year 7 girls team finishing second overall out of 12 local secondary schools. Really well done to all.
At the time of writing this prior to the Year 7 football fixture against Lewes Priory in which over 24 students will be involved, I know no matter what the result, they will apply themselves well, showing excellent sportsmanship and positivity.
Finally, the London Virtual 2.6 Mile challenge. If this hasn't been completed yet please do get all students to upload their evidence via https://forms.gle/7YcHi5Zrw5xX3Zi8A to not only get points for their houses but also to be in with the chance of getting a limited edition pin badge.
Well done to all students who continue to come to clubs and fixtures.
Ronnie news
When we return after half term Ronnie will be in school 2 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is starting a lunch club on these days, Ronnie's R&R lunch club (Rest and Relaxation)
Students can be put forward by teachers, KS Leads and parents to be considered for this lunch club. The requirements are that there are no more than 30 students in each session, food is either eaten before or after spending time with Ronnie in the eco garden/building and the environment remains quiet and calm. If you have a student you would like to put forward or have any questions please email jo.beattie@kingsacademies.uk
On Saturday 16 October 2021, King’s Academy Ringmer hosted the local charity, 'A Band of Brothers' to support their ‘Quest for Community’ outreach project, through which volunteers participate in community projects with a nature-based focus. A team of volunteers and students spent the day clearing the Eco Hub site of overgrown weeds and shrubbery. We managed to clear all four of our raised beds making lots of room for a new herb garden and pollinating plants like lavender. A big thank you to ABOB and Lil, Tabitha, Carmel, Billy and Charlie for getting stuck in! Now the conservation work can really begin! Interested in helping out? Come along on a Friday lunchtime to find out more.
Free School Meals
I have now placed the order for the Free school meal voucher from a company called Huggg for the next week October half term school holidays 2021 which you should receive in the next few days. There will be one voucher on this occasion for £15.00 per student for the one weeks holiday.
As per my last email, you will get the voucher by email directly from Huggg with the voucher code for next week commencing Monday 25 October 2021 which will take you up to the end of the half term break. If you have more than one child at the school you will receive separate vouchers for each child. Instructions on how to redeem the vouchers will be given within the email.
Please note that ALL vouchers that have been sent from Huggg have an expiry date on them, we are unable to change this date so we ask you to redeem them before the expiry date of 30 November 2021 as shown on the voucher.
I hope this helps to explain things, however should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. Debbie Duckworth, Business Services Manager
Vaccinations update
The Immunisation Team have confirmed plans for COVID-19 vaccination catch-up clinics between 25 October and 31 October 2021, across the county, for those children who missed the sessions arranged in school.
Please check your emails for a letter containing the link to the consent form. Complete the consent form following the instructions and you will receive information on how to book from the Team.
Clinics are available in the following locations:
Monday 25th October - Chichester, West Sussex
Tuesday 26th October - Bexhill, East Sussex
Wednesday 27th October - Bognor, West Sussex
Thursday 28th October - Crawley, West Sussex & Crowborough, East Sussex
Friday 29th October - Crawley, West Sussex
Saturday 30th October - Brighton & Hove
Sunday 31st October - Brighton & Hove
We vaccinated over 300 students in school today with the influenza nasal spray and were very impressed with how they conducted themselves through the morning.
If your child missed the session today, there will be further opportunities to access the flu vaccine either through catch up clinics or via your GP. The online consent form will reopen in half term allowing you to complete it and then book. Either the Immunisation Service or the school will ensure you get any information about these when we have it.
Parent Governor Vacancy
We have a vacancy for a parent governor at King’s Academy Ringmer.
The aim of school governance is to help secure the best possible education for children in our schools. Governors take part in deciding what school priorities are, and help support school leadership and staff in reaching their goals. In order to do this, training is offered on the different topics around governance. Governors have many interesting opportunities to discuss and make decisions, and to meet other governors from other areas in order to find out what current best practice is. It can be very satisfying as a governor to know that you are helping make things work well, and also to discover things that could make our schools better.
Good governance draws on many qualities, but the most consistently useful ones are openness, ability to balance different views in coming to decisions, and readiness to learn.
The role involves:
6 evening meetings a year
2-4 monitoring visits across the schools a year, plus a related short written report
At least two training sessions a year
1-2 attendances at school events in order to meet parents
Various other ad hoc working groups as required.
If you are interested in such a role, please read the attached Qualification Criteria to satisfy yourself that you comply with the legal requirements for being a governor, and fill in the attached form to express your interest in applying. Please return your form to Amanda French by Monday 8th November 2018.
I am always willing to chat more about the role of governors, if you would like to know more before you apply. Please email denise.kong@kingsacademies.uk
If there are more than two interested parties, we will arrange for a ballot to take place, which is where we will use the statement in your nomination form.
We are looking forward to receiving nominations. Thank you, Denise Kong, Chair of Governors
Vacancy at King’s Academy Ringmer for the role of
Reception, Admin and Attendance Assistant
Permanent, 37 hours per week, term-time only. KGA Pay Scale Band 5 ie: £20159pa to £21841pa to be pro-rated. Please see our website for the job pack and application form https://www.kgaringmer.uk/news/?pid=15&nid=2&storyid=4
We are seeking a full time Reception, Admin and Attendance Assistant to start asap. Responsibilities will include managing the day to day running of the school reception and medical room and to administer student attendance. You will line manage a part-time Receptionist and Learning Resources Assistant.
For full details and an application form can be download directly from our website: www.kgaringmer.uk or contact Amanda French on either 01273 815460 or amanda.french@kingsacademies.uk quoting job reference P/385. We offer a first class working environment with supportive colleagues and opportunities for career development.
King's Academy Ringmer is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful applicants will need to undertake a DBS enhanced clearance.
Closing date for applications is Wednesday 3 November 2021 at 9am with interview date TBC
Bonfire Night Menu
On Friday 5 November 2021 we will be having a themed lunch day as per attached flyer
Ringmer Library Event – visit from the Author Richard Vincent on 30 October from 10am to 12 noon
Please see attached flyer. Author Richard Vincent, will be signing copies of The Marble Curse. This is a fabulous adventure story for 8 to 11 year olds At 11am Richard will be running an exciting practical workshop for children which will involve invisible writing, hot air balloons, rainbows and archery. Please book places at the library for this workshop. There will also be a colouring competition, books & puzzles for sale & the usual fabulous refreshments for all. Free event, all very welcome Ringmer Village Library, Ringmer Village Hall
The Source Youth Centre, Uckfield
Free sessions for street art and DJ workshops. Please see attached flyer
Safeguarding Focus Clocks back! Dark nights ahead
We'll soon be setting the clocks back an hour and summer-time will end. The resources below will help remind children, including teenagers, about road safety and keeping safe in the dark.
Teaching Road Safety: A Guide for Parents https://www.rospa.com/media/documents/road-safety/teaching-road-safety-a-guide-for-parents.pdf
Safety First – Cycling at Night https://www.cycletraining.co.uk/cycle-training-and-cycle-safety/safety-first-cycling-at-night/
Keeping Children Safe in the Dark https://firstaidforlife.org.uk/keeping-children-safe-in-dark/
Dark Nights https://www.childcare.co.uk/information/dark-nights-children-safety
Be Bright Be Seen https://brightkidz.co.uk/initiatives/be-bright-be-seen/
Kind regards
Sian Williams