Attendance Matters
There is a clear link between poor attendance at school and lower academic achievement. For example, research shows that secondary level, three quarters of students who have over 95% attendance achieve five or more GCSEs at grades A* - C (9-5), which is the benchmark used by the Government. Students whose attendance is less than 50% have almost no chance of achieving those grades. Obviously, there are many other factors in the level of attainment of any particular student, but it is very clear that high attendance is usually an important contributory factor in doing well at school.
Children who are persistently late for morning register can arrive in class flustered and embarrassed, it can make for a poor start to the school day so should be avoided wherever possible.
All absences (authorised or unauthorised and for whatever reason) are taken into account in the ‘non-attendance’ rate (eg last year, the non-attendance rate included all illness and all authorised and unauthorised absences). The idea that authorised absences are not taken into account is a myth.
Where an individual child’s absence falls below 95% we monitor this carefully. Where a child misses more than 10% of any school term this is regarded as ‘persistent absence’ and will be significant concern to us – although naturally there are sometimes quite understandable reasons, such an illness. If we have concerns we will always talk to Parents/Carers first with a view to agreeing a strategy for improvement – and this is often possible. If after our intervention there is no improvement we will refer the case to ESBAS (Education Support Behaviour and Attendance Service).
Withdrawal from Learning Requests
There is no automatic right to take your child out of school for a holiday. If you choose take your child out of school during term time then you could be issued with a fixed penalty notice.
Like all schools, we think that the key to good attendance is to build a happy and safe environment where the children enjoy their learning and home/school partnership is strong.
We trust that you will support us with our aim for all students to achieve their full potential and send your child to school every day unless they are genuinely too ill to attend.
Academy Requirements
- It is the parent’s/carer’s responsibility to get children to school every day and make sure they arrive on time.
- If your child is ill, it is the Parent’s/Carer’s responsibility to contact the Academy on the first and each subsequent day(s) of your child’s absence. Please leave a message on the attendance line: 01273 812220 then select option 2.
Holidays should not be taken during term time. If holidays are taken without authorisation, then parents/carers may be issued with a penalty notice.
Other Helpful Hints
- Please make all medical appointments outside the school day. If this is not possible, please make sure your child comes to school before the appointment and returns to school after the appointment.
- An appointment card or letter must be shown to confirm all medical appointments. students must “sign out” before leaving school and must “sign in” on their return.
- Please do not arrange “birthday treats” or other time off from college, which could equally well be arranged for weekends or school holidays.
- Students should be at school by 8.40 am.
- If a student arrives late to school, they MUST inform the Attendance Assistant on their arrival. If a student is late three times during a half term or if lateness becomes a problem, then detentions will be given. Parent/Carers will be contacted if the college has concerns regarding lateness.
Changes in circumstances at home and bullying are common reasons for children to become “ill”. These problems can become worse if they are “bottled up”. We can treat many matters in confidence and we deal with any issues appropriately.
Please help us make sure this school is one where information is shared and where Parents/Carers, students and staff work together.
Regular school attendance is important in order for students to reach their full potential. The information below is taken from the DCSF National Strategy and demonstrated the possible impact of attendance upon attainment.
You will see from the graph how drastically attendance affects attainment.
Attendance levels can sometimes be regarded in the same way as examination results. In an examination 80% would be a very positive result. In attendance terms that would mean that a student missed 40 days of education, just 1 day a week. Therefore if attendance remains at 80% for the whole of the student's secondary education they will miss more than a full year of education.
Attendance Rates
95% + = Excellent chance of five 9-5 Grades |
92.5% to 94.9% = Fair chance of five 9-5 Grades |
91.5% = Possible chance of five 9-5 Grades |
90% = Less than 50% chance of five 9-5 Grades |
88% = Less than 35% chance of five 9-5 Grades |
Less than 88% = Less than 30% chance of five 9-5 Grades |
In order for you to achieve the highest possible grades, stay in school
Approximate Days Absence in a School Year
Attendance Rate | By End of School Year |
100% | 0 |
95% | 10 |
90% | 20 |
85% | 30 |
80% | 40 |